Rules for purchasing goods


1.1. These rules for the purchase of goods (hereinafter "Rules"), upon their approval by the Buyer (after familiarizing themselves with the Rules and ticking the box next to the statement "I have familiarized myself with the terms and conditions of service provision and I unconditionally agree"), are a binding legal document that sets out the rights and obligations of the Buyer and the Seller , conditions of purchase and payment for goods, order of delivery and return of goods, responsibility of the parties and other provisions related to the purchase and sale of goods in the online store.
1.2. The seller reserves the right to change, amend or supplement the Rules. When new rules of the website appear, they take effect immediately after their publication.
1.3. All able-bodied natural persons and legal entities have the right to buy in the electronic store.


2.1. has the right to collect personal data provided by the Buyer to and to disclose them to third parties if this is necessary for the fulfillment of the order. The Buyer's data can be used for information only after obtaining the Buyer's consent (after familiarizing himself with the Rules and ticking the box next to the statement "I have familiarized myself with the terms and conditions of service provision and I unconditionally agree"). The buyer has the right to prohibit the collection and processing of his personal data at any time, except in cases where it is necessary for the fulfillment of the requirements arising from the purchase-sale contract or the fulfillment of the order. The seller undertakes to protect data about the Buyer of the online store from third parties.


3.1. The contract between the Buyer and the Seller is considered concluded from the moment when the Buyer creates a basket of goods and pays for it.


4.1. The buyer has the right to purchase goods in the online store in accordance with the procedure set forth in these Rules.
4.2. The buyer has the right to refuse the goods purchase-sale contract concluded with the online store by notifying the Seller in writing (by e-mail, indicating the desired return of the product no later than 14 (fourteen) days from the day of delivery of the item (this requirement does not apply to quality requirements for non-conforming products)).
4.3. The Buyer can use the provided right only if the product has not been damaged or its appearance has not fundamentally changed, nor has it been used.


5.1. The buyer must accept the goods in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules and pay the agreed amount for them.
5.2. If the data provided in the Buyer's registration form changes, he must update it immediately.
5.3. The buyer, using the online store, undertakes to comply with these Rules and not to violate the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
5.4. If the Buyer refuses to accept the goods during the delivery of the goods without valid reasons, the Buyer must cover the costs of the delivery of the goods.


6.1. In the event of important circumstances, the Seller may temporarily or completely terminate the online store without notifying the Buyer in advance.
6.2. The Seller has the right to cancel the order without notifying the Buyer in advance, if the Buyer, having chosen non-cash payment methods, does not pay for the goods within 7 (seven) working days.
6.3. has the right to cancel the concluded purchase-sale agreement if the stock of the goods specified in the agreement has run out.


7.1. The Seller undertakes to provide the Buyer with the opportunity to use the services provided by the online store under the conditions set out in these Rules and the online store.
7.2. The Seller undertakes to deliver the goods ordered by the Buyer to the address specified by him and under the conditions specified in these Rules.
7.3. The Seller, unable to deliver the ordered goods to the Buyer due to important circumstances, undertakes to return the money paid to the Buyer within 14 (fourteen) days, if prepayment was made.
7.4. The Seller undertakes to respect the Buyer's privacy right to his personal information specified in the online store registration form, except for the cases established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.


8.1. The prices of goods in the online store and in the formed order are indicated in euros with VAT. reserves the right to change product prices.
8.2.The buyer pays for the goods in one of the following ways:
using electronic banking;
bank transfer;
8.3.When the Seller receives payment for the goods, the order for the goods is confirmed and the delivery time for the goods begins.
8.4. The Seller provides the Buyer with a VAT invoice for the purchased goods.


9.1. The Seller undertakes to deliver the goods to the Buyer in custody from the term specified in the product descriptions. At the same time, the Buyer agrees that in exceptional cases the delivery of goods may be delayed due to force majeure circumstances.
9.2.If the Buyer chooses the home delivery service during the order:
9.2.1. The buyer undertakes to indicate the exact place of delivery of the goods.
9.2.2. The buyer undertakes to accept the goods himself. In the event that he cannot accept the goods himself, and the goods are delivered to the specified address and based on other data provided by the Buyer, the Buyer has no right to make claims to the Seller regarding the delivery of the goods to the wrong entity.
9.3. The buyer can collect the goods free of charge from the Goods collection point. If the Buyer chooses the following method when placing an order:
9.3.1. The ordered goods must be collected no later than within 5 (five) working days after the Seller informed the Buyer by e-mail that the goods can be collected, unless otherwise agreed by the Seller and the Buyer in advance by e-mail.
9.3.2. The goods can only be collected by the person who placed the order or the person indicated at the time of placing the order. When picking up the goods, it is necessary to have with you and present to the Seller's employee a valid identity document (identity card, passport or new driver's license).
9.4. If it is not possible to deliver the ordered goods in one shipment, has the right to deliver the goods in several shipments.
9.5. The Seller delivers the goods to the Buyer in accordance with the terms specified in the product descriptions. These terms are preliminary and do not apply in cases where the Seller does not have the necessary goods in stock and the Buyer is informed of the shortage of the goods ordered by him. By approving these Rules, the Buyer agrees that in exceptional cases the delivery of goods may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the Seller. In this case, the Seller undertakes to immediately contact the Buyer and agree on an additional reasonable term for the delivery of the goods and other conditions. The buyer has the right to decide for himself if the seller has not delivered the goods on time, to make a demand to deliver the goods within an additional reasonable period, or to unilaterally terminate the contract.
9.6.During the delivery of the goods to the Buyer, the Buyer must, together with the Seller or his authorized representative, check the condition of the shipment and the item(s) and sign the shipment transfer - acceptance document. After the buyer signs the consignment transfer - acceptance document, it is considered that the goods have been handed over in a suitable condition, there are no damages, the basis of which cannot be attributed to a factory defect, and there are no inconsistencies in the product(s) assembly (such as can be determined during the external inspection of the goods). Having noticed that the packaging of the delivered product is damaged (crumpled, wet or otherwise externally damaged), the product(s) is damaged and/or the product(s) is not complete, the Buyer must note this in the product transfer - acceptance document and , in the presence of the Seller or his representative, to draw up a free-form act of violation/nonconformities of the shipment and/or product(s). If the Buyer does not perform these actions, the Seller is released from responsibility for damage to the goods, when the basis for the occurrence of such damage is not a factory defect, and for discrepancies in the product package only if these discrepancies can be determined during an external inspection of the goods.
9.7. In all cases, the Seller is released from responsibility for the violation of the terms of delivery of the goods, if the goods are not delivered to the Buyer or are delivered late due to the Buyer's fault or due to circumstances beyond the Buyer's control.
9.8. The parcel delivery service delivers bulky goods (more than 30 kg) only to the address specified by the Buyer, delivery of the goods to the home is not included in the delivery services. In order to order the product delivery service, we invite you to contact us by message (the service is paid).


10.1. When returning a defective product, the return costs are borne by the Seller.
10.2. The properties of the item comply with the contract if:
1) the item corresponds to the description provided by the seller and has the same characteristics as the item provided by the seller as a sample or model;
2) the item is suitable for the purpose for which items of this type are normally used;
3) the item is suitable for use according to the specific purpose, which the buyer informed the seller at the time of the conclusion of the contract and which the seller agreed with;
4) the item complies with the quality indicators that are usually typical for items of the same type and which the buyer can reasonably expect based on the nature of the item and the statements made publicly by the manufacturer, his representative or the seller of the item, including advertising and labeling of items, regarding the specific characteristics of the item.
10.3. The seller is not bound by the public statements specified in paragraph 2, point 4 of this article, if he proves that:
1) did not know and could not have known about the relevant statement;
2) the statement was corrected before the conclusion of the contract;
3) the decision to buy the item could not be influenced by the statement.
10.4. The buyer, to whom an item of inadequate quality was sold, has the right, at his option, within the term specified in Article 6.338 of this codex:
1) require the seller to remove the defects of the item free of charge (repair the item);
2) require the seller to replace an item of inadequate quality with an item of adequate quality free of charge;
3) require the seller to reduce the price accordingly;
4) unilaterally terminate the contract and demand the return of the paid price.
10.5. The product is not considered to be of poor quality if minor packaging or transportation damage can be observed on it.
10.6. Inform about received low-quality goods immediately by e-mail. by mail [email protected]


11.1. Inappropriate quality goods or quality goods, the shape, size, color, model or completeness of which the Buyer does not like, are exchanged or returned in accordance with the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
11.2.When returning goods purchased on, the Seller has the right to require filling out the goods return form provided by the Seller.
11.3. The Seller undertakes to return the money paid to the Buyer within the deadline set by the Seller.
11.4. Quality goods to be returned or exchanged must be undamaged, have not lost their commercial appearance (unremoved and undamaged labels, untorn protective film, etc.), consumer properties and cannot be used. The product must be returned in the original packaging, in the same set as the Buyer received, with the purchase document, warranty card (if issued), instructions for use and other product accessories. If the product is not fully assembled, damaged, untidy or not properly packed, the Seller has the right not to accept the product, not to exchange it and not to return the money paid by the Buyer for the product.
11.5. If the defective product is returned, the shipping costs are paid by the Seller.
If quality goods are returned, shipping costs are paid by the buyer. After receiving the returned goods, the Seller will inform by a separate e-mail. by letter
Quality items must be returned to the following address:UAB MAZGAS, Uosio str. 8B, LT-50132, Kaunas
In the event that a transportation fee was applied to the Buyer's shipment, the delivery costs of the goods will not be refunded.
11.6. The money to pay for the goods accepted by the Buyer, but later refused, is paid to the Buyer's account no later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the Buyer's notification of the goods to be returned.


12.1. The buyer is responsible for the correctness of the data provided in the registration form. If the Buyer does not provide accurate data in the registration form, the Seller is not responsible for the resulting consequences.
12.2. The buyer is responsible for the actions taken while using this online store.
12.3. The Seller is released from any responsibility in cases where losses arise because the Buyer, regardless of the Seller's recommendations and his obligations, did not familiarize himself with these Rules, although he was given such an opportunity.


13.1. The Seller sends all notifications to the e-mail address provided in the Buyer's registration form.
13.2. The Buyer sends all messages and questions by means of communication specified in the "Contacts" section of the Seller's online store.


14.1. Relations arising on the basis of these rules shall be governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania.
14.2. All disagreements arising from the implementation of these rules shall be resolved by negotiation. If an agreement cannot be reached, disputes are resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.